Monday, April 2, 2012

Missing the Point

The last few weeks have been consumed with the Trayvon Martin story.  It is truly a sad event and you can not help but to feel for the parents of this young man.  Anytime a child dies before a parent it truly a tragedy, not natural.  And with the way in which he died, well it just makes the story just that much more saddening.  However with the events that have transpired following his death, we as Americans are truly missing the point.  It is not that a black youth was shot by a man that was not black for wearing a hoodie.  It is not a race thing.  That is not the point.  Do you know how many young people under the age of 25 were gunned down in  the last week, moth, year.  If it is one it is too many.  How many blacks have killed whites, or whites killed whites, or blacks killed blacks.  The other young people killed were someones son or daughter as well.  Someone loved them, and held them when they were children.  The point should be that there was another senseless death of a teenager, period.  What lessons are we teaching that we make it a race issue.  When black on black crime happens that is expected, but it is an outrage when a young black man is killed by another race?  Or the date rape of a white girl by a fraternity guy in college is "what she really wanted" but that same white girl is raped by a black male and now we want justice?  It is all bad.  Would Trayvon be a memorialized by anyone other than his family had he been shot by another black male?  He should be, but my guess is not.  Probably be chalked up to another gangster shot dead in the streets.  That scenario to me is no less tragic.  Why can we not teach the lesson that all human life is valuable.  That Trayvon's death is no more important than any other senseless death.  Race fuels the fire.  All it does is anger more.  We should be angry, angry that a young man was taken before he should have been, not because he was shot by someone other than his race and because he was wearing a hoodie.  Black panthers offering bounties, rallies for justice, wearing the hoodies in government sessions, these are all show.  Where are the bounties for all the young men killed by their own race.  Where are the rallies for justice for abused children, abused elderly, unborn children, the guy that works his whole life only to lose his pension because of the mismanagement of funds.  Why don't the assembly men where commo for all the troops that are still fighting for our country, or police uniforms to honor the policemen that put their life on the line everday, or just name badges that say JOE  to honor all American's in general who keep this country moving.  I agree that this is a horrible thing that has happened to Trayvon and his family, but why now?  Why this young man?  What about the countless ones before him?  All I want people to understand about this event, or any event that a young person dies from violence is be angry at the outcome, not the superficial circumstances.  Because in the end, all that remains for whatever reason, is a family have been broken and a life taken.  Had Trayvon had a Pistol instead of skittles, would your opinion of the situation change?  Mine wouldn't.

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